Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Monday, April 09, 2007

Friday, December 01, 2006

Planning has begun for the Moen family reunion to take place June 24, 2007 at Stordahl Church. Contact Cheryl Smith mom1dad1 at juno dot com for details.

Dear Moen Cousins,

After Grandma Thora’s funeral, a few of us were talking and we got an idea that I would like to throw at you!

In honor of her, and being it would have been her 94th Birthday on November 5th, we were wondering if her grandchildren AND/OR great-grandchildren would be interested in pooling some money together and purchasing her footstone for the cemetery, as just one last thing that we could do for her.

We have talked to a few granite places and have been quoted some prices. The cost of a stone, the same size and likeness as Grandpa Moens, would run around the $450.00 mark. For that price, they would engrave it, deliver it to Stordahl cemetery, and for lack of a better word, “install” it.

I am excited to do this – and I hope you are willing, able and excited to do this as well.

Any dollar amount you could give, would be greatly appreciated…

If you have any questions, call, write or e-mail me anytime. I would like to be able to order the footstone and get the ball moving within a month.

Checks can be made out to me (Anita Olson) OR if you’d like, you can make them out to the Thora Moen Footstone Fund. THANKS!!!

contact: Anita (Brend) Olson rkolsons at rrv dot net

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Thora Moen Funeral 2006

Thora Moen
November 5, 1912 - October 20, 2006

The Moen family and relations gather for the October 25, 2006 funeral of Thora Moen.